I was stuck mentally and emotionally.
Because I was fighting against my terrible anxious thoughts all day, and it drained me completely.
My thoughts only got worse over time. My troublesome mind took over the show and painted my reality.
Resulting in
❖ no presence to connect with people and build meaningful relationships.
❖ no energy to work on things that I want to create for myself.
My entire day was spent fighting against my mind and being locked up in the room alone so I didn’t have to face people.
This was my reality for like 7 to 8 months until everything transformed after I finally surrendered and accepted my thoughts and feelings for what they are. I became more relaxed and peaceful.
What is real self-acceptance?
People think if they accept their reality their situations get worse. That they would live miserably and play victim their entire life.
That’s not true.
Self-acceptance is giving space for all your thoughts and feelings to exist within you. So you see your reality for what it is and bring relief to your suffering.
It frees up energy that you use to fight your thoughts and feelings to create things you truly want to create.
Almost all of your suffering comes from fighting your thoughts and feelings, not the thoughts and feelings themselves.
You being your enemy is the biggest roadblock to your transformation.
Stop fighting your past:
The past is already gone. But most humans make themselves miserable by hanging onto a situation that happened decades ago.
They make their present miserable by not forgiving themselves and others for their past.
They try to fix their past in the present. But it’s impossible as the past is non-existent in the NOW.
So why waste away all your life force focusing on the illusionary past rather than accepting it and moving on to create a good life for yourself?
I know acceptance is hard initially but it is the only way if you want your life to truly change.
Otherwise, you will carry the perception of your past into the present and recreate the same miserable experiences in your future. That’s why you feel like your life is looping in cycles.
Your triggers are a gift for expansion:
Life will always trigger your painful thoughts and feelings not to hurt you, but for you to accept, release and free yourself.
But what people normally do is distract themselves from those thoughts and feelings and stuff more pain into their systems.
Start to reframe your triggers as an opportunity to process your pain and liberate yourself.
You have to accept the fact that you can’t control your past and future.
The only control you have is your relationship with the present moment which ultimately decides how your life will unfold.
Self-acceptance protocol:
Ok now let’s get practical with my 3 steps “Self-acceptance protocol”.
Step 1: Breathe and relax
Breathe deeply in and out continuously through your nose without pausing for 5 minutes.
Relax as deeply as you can with every exhale.
This breathing exercise might be hard with all your thoughts and feelings that might pop up, but stick through. We will process them in the next step.
Step 2: Empty dump
Take a piece of paper. Empty all your anxious thoughts and feelings that popped up during the breathing exercise.
If it’s cursing, curse into the paper. If it’s a sing, write that song down.
Don’t hold back your feelings in your writing. Be as honest as you can.
Write for as long as you feel relief.
Step 3: Acceptance
Don’t try to fix or fight against the thoughts you wrote down.
Accept them for what they are – Just thoughts. Also, accept the feelings they bring.
Cry if you want to cry. Worry if you want to worry.
All thoughts and feelings are valid and they just need your attention and compassion for you to transcend them and move on.
Give yourself as much time as you can to process and accept your thoughts and feelings.
I promise if you practice this foundational exercise daily, you will relieve your anxiety and create space for things you really want to create.
P.S. If you want 1-1 guidance from me to heal your anxiety and reconnect with your happy authentic self, learn more about my 8-week Modern Mystic Guidance Program here.