I suffered from severe anxiety 6 years ago.
The people I had in my life picked on my condition amplifying my anxiety.
They judged and made fun of me for being silent and not having fun like them.
So I cut myself off from them and suffered alone.
I was hesitant to even get out of my room and face people. I just want to be left alone.
All I wanted to do was sleep because waking up was a nightmare fighting my troublesome mind all day.
I was completely lost and drained by my mind.
- I was unable to initiate or maintain conversations.
- I had no energy to find and do anything that made me feel good.
I was coping with anxiety with a ton of weed and porn. Even that couldn’t help at this peak stage.
I didn’t know how to overcome my troublesome mind that harassed me harshly and found trouble in every situation.
So I tried every mindset strategy in the universe to stop my racing mind. Affirmations. Changing negative thoughts into positive. You name it. But nothing helped with my situation. I judged myself for feeling miserable and it just amplified my anxiety as days passed by.
Transcending my personal hell:
One day I woke up and was too tired to fight my mind and trying to fix it.
So I gave in and accepted my thoughts spontaneously, instead of fighting them.
I felt some immediate relief from anxiety.
I cried myself to sleep and released so much emotions over the next few days.
After that I felt some huge relief from anxiety like “Removing a super tight shoe that I have been wearing all my life”.
My mind became less blabbering.
This was the initial stage of my healing journey and reconnecting with my authentic self.
Now I’m at a point in my life where:
- I can make friends with complete strangers within 10 minutes.
- I travel a ton and have cool experiences with people that I love.
- I’m clear on my passions and building a lean freedom business.
All these things would have been a nightmare and a far-distant dream for my past anxious self. But this is my reality now.
All thanks to the 3 pillars of inner transformation that transformed me on this journey and will help you on yours.
3-Pillars of inner transformation:
When I look back, there were 3 fundamental practices that helped me heal my anxiety without any brain-frying pills.
They are:
Pillar 1: Self-acceptance
Pillar 2: Self-awareness
Pillar 3: Self-love
Let’s dive in and explore them in detail
Pillar 1: Self-acceptance
“The moment that judgement stops through acceptance of what is, you are free of the mind. You have made room for love, for joy, for peace.”
– Eckhart Tolle
Self-acceptance is accepting and allowing all your thoughts and feelings to come and go on their own, instead of fighting, changing, or escaping from them.
It was the initial step that kickstarted my healing journey. Previously I was fighting my anxious mind all day. With self-acceptance, I stopped fighting my mind and started working with it.
Self-acceptance frees up huge energy that you drain to fight your mind to start transforming yourself and your life.
It helps you see your life situation clearly for what it is without escaping. So you can make clear decisions that will improve your quality of life.
Self-acceptance is hard at first, because you are doing the opposite of what you have been conditioned to do all the years, allowing thoughts instead of resisting and fighting them.
You might even think your anxiety is becoming worse with self-acceptance. No, it’s not.
You are just becoming fully aware of your condition so that you can heal. Previously you were unaware or tried to escape your anxiety.
If you want to dive deep into self-acceptance, read this article.
Pillar 2: Self-awareness
“The day you decide that you are more interested in being aware of your thoughts than you are in the thoughts themselves – that is the day you will find your way out.”
– Michael Singer
I started to take meditation seriously after I felt some relief from anxiety with self-acceptance.
I tried to observe my thoughts instead of being identified with the melodrama they created.
I often got lost in my thoughts. I had to bring myself back to observe them.
Eventually, with practice, I realized “My thoughts are just thoughts, nothing more. They don’t define me and I don’t have to control them. My true self is beyond any concepts that my mind makes”.
This gave me complete freedom from my compulsive thinking.
To experience the same, here is a simple awareness exercise for you:
- Sit in a comfortable position.
- Breathe deeply into your belly. Relax with every exhale.
- Watch your thoughts and feelings. Let them arise and fall on their own.
- Even if you get lost in your thoughts, catch and bring yourself back to watching them.
You get better at this exercise with practice.
Don’t force yourself to watch your thoughts, if you can’t distance yourself and watch them immediately. You will be able to, overtime.
By practicing self-awareness, you will realize that you are not the EXPERIENCE(thoughts, feelings, etc.) but the EXPERIENCER(Pure awareness).
You will innerstand that “If I can hear my thoughts, then my true self is the one who’s listening. Not what’s listened(thoughts).”
This is your freedom.
When you reconnect and see life through the lens of your true self – Pure Awareness, your life start to blossom with love, joy, and inner peace that was always natural to your being.
My modern mystic guidance program helps make this transformation much smoother.
Pillar 3: Self-love

When I started observing my thoughts with self-awareness, the deeper emotional trauma that I was hiding from started to come to the surface.
So I had days where I felt completely down and out.
I even started loving and being gentle with myself even on those days. This was the game changer.
Self-love slowly turned me from being my worst enemy to becoming my own best friend.
You accelerate your healing if you can have love and compassion for yourself, even when you are feeling low.
Also, you will start to attract more loving relationships into your life, once you genuinely start loving yourself.
These are the 3 foundational pillars that helped me transform into my outgoing authentic self.
Anxiety is not a life sentence if you have the right practices at your disposal.
Practice these 3 pillars naturally evolving from self-acceptance to self-love depending on the needs of your situation to make anxiety a thing of your past.
P.S. If you want 1-1 guidance from me to heal your anxiety and reconnect with your happy authentic self, learn more about my Modern mystic guidance program here.